Tuesday, August 25, 2009

The First Day of 2nd Grade

Yesterday, my oldest baby went to 2nd grade. It was a big day for him and me. We have had him in a small private school for the last two years but decided it was time for the big school. Liberty is not huge but they do have 9 second grades which surprised me. Going from a class of 4 kids to a room with 22 and a class of 200 overwhelmed me. He however loved it!!! He came home with huge grin and had navigated the class changes like an old pro. I am so glad his day went so well. We talked a lot last night and he had lots of questions of why they do things. He didn't understand the moment of silence and I explained its his opportunity to pray for a good day and that Jesus is with you all day. He loved PE and recess...he said lunch was way to fast and he couldn't eat everything I packed. He came home ravenous since he sort of ate a 10:45 in the morning. I assured him he will learn to eat faster and get used to the new schedule. God has shown me after yesterday that he is right where he needs to be. Now my prayer is we won't have the homework battles we had last year...

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